Sunday, May 4, 2008

Average Bmi At Different Ages



Friday 23 and

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Ascoli Piceno

Stadium Comunale "Cino and Lillo del Duca"


The Automobile Club of Ascoli Piceno, in collaboration with the Italian Red Cross Ascoli Piceno, the Office of the Provincial School of Ascoli Piceno and the University Consortium Piceno propose, once again, the realization of a day dedicated to road safety. The partners in the initiative: the Traffic Police, the Police, the Police, the Asura, the Guardia di Finanza, the Forest Guard , The Province of Ascoli Piceno, Civil Protection, the City of Ascoli Piceno, the Municipal Police , Confartigianato, Unity Street, the FAAM, the Recfer, Alberti Auto, Luzi and Cipolloni, the Group Amateur Sports AC Ascoli Piceno , ACI Vallelunga SpA and some local clubs.


The aim of the initiative is to raise awareness and especially young people about road safety.

The contents of the day

occasion, the organizers of the day dedicated to road safety, means streams to all citizens and especially young people aged between 14 and 20 years (usually students of the classes of secondary schools).

With the commitment of the Government of the group, the 2008 event demonstration will be full of activities, practices and training and will take place on days 23 and 24 May at the square in front of the municipal stadium of Ascoli Piceno and Lillo Del Duca Cino. "

simulations of accidents will be organized with the 'interpretation' of volunteers who, duly rigged by expert hands, will represent the injured, lying in critical situations, emergency personnel from the Red Cross, Traffic Police , Carabinieri, ACI, the Fire Department. The scenic impact is highly emotional, supported by the skill of the makeup artists and actors, a fascinating time to viewers, live, attend a demonstration of the procedure and see the breakdown mode of action being taken.

There will also be environmentally friendly and safe driving tests for cars and mopeds, media exposure by the Partners, exhibition stands.

will also be available on a special simulator crash equipment ACI Vallelunga SpA

Under the coordination of the Office of the Provincial School will be organized in Ascoli Piceno a game "Triathlon GPS in safety" that will engage students in classes of the IISS and the accompanying teachers.

The game will include a series of tests to be performed at specific times of day (early morning, the second morning, early afternoon), a real "triathlon" training on road safety.

class and student winners will receive prizes and certificates; gadgets are provided for all students.


Triathlon safely GPS

The game includes participation in teams formed by the IISS of classes led by the teacher.

Practical test . A student selected from the class, or in possession of driving license for moped - junior, 14-17 years, run a route, following the instructions of the coach in charge of the "competition" federal instructors Company ACI Vallelunga SpA).

Theory test . Delivered to each team will be worth a test (multiple-choice questions) provided by ACI.

test of skill. A student will try, as recommended during the day, to make a first aid.

In the spaces which will host the event, the stands will be set up for event organizers and partners of the initiative.

addition, there will be a mobile structure (Motor Home), made available by the ACI and equipped with cutting-edge multimedia technology, in which projected images will be significant road safety and more.

Draft Programme events


safe driving courses

at 9.30 Courses Driving safely treated by the Automobile Club Ascoli Piceno and by company specializing ACI Vallelunga SpA


Day on safe driving and preventive ecological

at 9.30 Subscriptions game Triathlon safely GPS "

10.00 am greet the authorities and test drive / crash with the authorities

from 10.30 - opportunity open for all to try the simulator crash of visit the stands of exhibitors, demonstration of Safe Driving , display of vehicles and means of Police forces

11.00 am Start of the game "safe Triathlon GPS"

11.30 am Demonstration intervention in case of accident with ACI, Traffic Police, Police, Red Cross, Fire

For more information:

tel.: 0736/338231

fax: 0736/344736

email: ac.ascolipiceno @


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