Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pathphysio Cervical Cancer

From the site:

remember that the church of the Popes and the Papal States, commonly known as the Vatican State includes almost the entire sub-triangular area commonly referred to as the Vatican Hill or Mount (Ager Vaticanus or Campus). It rises in a place that according to Pliny the Elder in Rome contributed to give the sad and famous name of "voratrix hominum" and where close to the Vatican hill is a valley: the "Valley of Hell."
fresco of Judas' kiss
1. The Italian poet Dante Alighieri, seeing "sitting" on the Vatican Mount, the Church of the Popes wrote: "Firm as a rock mountain high, / seder wound above her a whore ..." [i]
Dante Alighieri
2. When religion denies the freedom " Religion is the opium of the people "
Karl Marx (1818/1883)
3. On the power of the Church of the Popes " A giant with feet of clay"
Anonymous papist
4. On the "holy inquisition": " quell, truncate, most reverend Father: truncate, quell ." [ii]
Alessandro Manzoni (Italian writer - 1785/1873)
4.1 " I wear a mask, but for strength, for without that no man can live in Italy. " [iii]
Paolo Sarpi (1552/1623)
4.2 " The custom of Rome is to tolerate certain things and ignore other . [iv]
Pope Gregory VII
5. The cult of the personality of Pope " The Vicar of Jesus Christ, the successor of Peter, is something intermediate between God and man, not God's great, but greater than man. The Roman Church, which I married, I brought a gift: I have received from Rome's miter, a sign of my religious function, and the tiara, which gives me dominion over the earth. I am asked by God above the peoples and kingdoms. Nothing that happens in the universe must escape the attention and power of the sovereign pontiff. God as creator of all things in the firmament of heaven two candles, one more to lighten the day, and night lights of a minor, so in the firmament of the universal Church, which is called Heaven, put two great dignity, the more that, almost as in the days, presided over the souls and the child who, almost like the night, presided over the bodies, and these have dignity: the pontifical authority and direction. And certainly, as The moon receives light from the sun, being less than the same quantity, quality, by location, as a result, so the royal authority comes from the splendor of its dignity papal authority. " [v ]
Pope Innocent III (1198/1216)
5.1 " Jesus placed the pope over the prophets, on top of its precursor, above the angels. Jesus placed the pope at the same level of God . " [vi]
John Bosco (priest 1815/1888)
5.2 "At the heart of the Church (Roman Catholic), contrary to the Gospel states, still lacking the figure of Jesus is the central place occupied by the clergy: the pope, bishops and priests, each with their respective areas of the ecclesial realm. The cross of Jesus was not worse than its execution to death. Without doubt, would have been much more tragic and painful cross of a clergy that has the effrontery to present himself as a follower of his work and its broker facing humanity. "
Pepe Rodriguez (historical English)
5.3 "In the Vatican 'm always talking about the holy father. No one ever does allusion to Jesus Christ. "
Cornelius Rijk (Dutch priest)
6. On the ecclesiastical spirit : "In many seminars Boys" angels come, and will shortly become demons ... It 'cry thing to see so many poor children, innocent and devoted the first, but after being in the seminary became a sink of vice "
Alfonso Maria de' Liguori (Church - 1696/1787 )
7. On the papist faith : " To be true and good Catholics, and non-Catholics a false name is not that half, only one, but indispensable and irreplaceable: the Church and to obey his head and realize that the Church and with his head. "
Pope Pius XI (1857/1939)
7.1 The "Catholic "The Italians and their Church papist : " We therefore with the Church and the priests with the Italians that first obligation: to have become without religion and bad, but we still have a major, which is the second cause of our ruin: this is the Church has held and holds this divided province. "
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469/1527)
7.2 " Lay militants are not called to help themselves . Their job is simply to help the hierarchy in all that is necessary, all they can . "
From the manual of 'Catholic Action
7.3 " The Church ... with the impetus given by the Pope of Catholic Action, not enough just to create the priests: it seeks to permeate the state and are required for this action of the laity, requires a concentration of Catholic culture represented by the laity. There are many young people can become more valuable auxiliary of the Church as university professors and as cardinal, and so on. Broaden the base of the "vocations" that secular activities and culture, has immense possibilities to extend . "
Antonio Gramsci (Italian politician - 1891/1937)
7.4 " Catholic Action is the pupil of our eyes. Who hits the Catholic Action affects the Church, because it affects the Catholic life ... I recommend you do not hit the Catholic Action; recommend him, I pray for your good, because those who strike hits the Pope Catholic Action, and who hits the Pope dies . "
Pope Pius XI (1857/1939)
7.5 " Agree with Pope still dominate the consciousness of millions of men. "
Benito Mussolini (Fascist Italian politician - 1883/1945)
7.6 " The war will bring suffering, but also blessing and prosperity for our beloved country ... The Lord look with our special kindness to Italy, and this precisely because it was made peace with the Church and there may be flaws, but the substance is safe and good . " [vii]
Pope John XXIII (1881/1963)
7.7 " It is no coincidence that in the modern era, the Church has had the most happy and close political alliance with fascism, with which it shares "The substantial contempt and pessimism about man as a social being, always to drive, to correct, by force and to limit, then the mistrust of all forms of discussion and research, for any attitude that is not of obedience and submission . "
Miccoli (Italian historian)
7.8 "The pope is the greatest decorum of Italy ... and we must close our eyes to the evidence do not see - at least in the contact of all States to the Pope - not to see, say, what prestige and what benefits could arise from its presence in our country (Italy), when it was held in the account of his being an internationally sovereign and supranational, that Catholics around the world to recognize the divine institution. "
Pope Pius XI (1857/1939)
7.9 " I believe that the conclusion of Concordat between the Holy See and the Government of the Reich is a sufficient guarantee that the Germans are Catholics now come to an unreservedly at the service of the new National Socialist state. Therefore I order that: 1 . The dissolution of the organizations Catholic recognized by this Treaty and that no instructions had been withdrawn by the Reich government shall be immediately revoked. 2 . Any measure of coercion against priests and other leaders of Catholic organizations will be immediately revoked. The repetition of such measures in the future is unacceptable and will be punished in accordance with applicable laws. I am pleased to be terminated during a period when the political and religious ones too often clashed in a seemingly intractable conflict. The treaty signed between the Reich and the Catholic Church will help to bring peace in this area in all need " . [viii]
Adolf Hitler (Nazi Duce - 1889/1945)
7.10 " Catholics are free when they sin ."
A papist "conscious"
8. On the "holy father" "I have strong doubts On being holy, but less on being" father ".
A Monaco
9. The Jesuits : " we possess a soul to seven years and will be yours for life ."
From Catechesis Jesuit
9.1 " There is much to learn from the Fathers of the Society of Jesus ... and fascism is much lower, both in its intentions, is running, the rigor of "Catholic Civilization" (organ of the Jesuits) "
Roberto Farinacci (fascist - 1892/1945)
9.2 "The great emperor Jung-Cing, the wisest and most noble, perhaps, that China has to had, has driven the Jesuits, but not because he was intolerant, on the contrary, because they were Jesuits. The Jesuits themselves refer, in their curious letters, the words that told them this good prince, "I know that your religion is intolerant, and I know what you have done in the Philippines and Japan have deceived my father, do not hope to fool me .
Voltaire (philosopher - 1694/1778)
9.3 " E 'allowed to kill a prince excommunicated by the pope in any country you are, because the universe belongs to the pope, and he who accepts this position is a charity . "
Lacroix (Jesuit - Jesuit commenting Busenbaum)
10. Simony and various junk : " Pope makes the market not only the state (which would not dare nor will, nor Catiline, nor guilty of any embezzlement), but even haggles things of the church and the same Spirit Holy "
Lorenzo Valla (Humanist 1407/1457)
10.1 " The courtier is important for a good disguise ."
Pietro Bembo (cardinal and courtier - 1470/1547)
10.2 "The money is, and remains the instrument of the Church (Catholic)"
Paul Marcinkus (bishop and former head of the Vatican Bank)

[i] Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy - The Purgatory
[ii] From the book "The Betrothed"
[iii] In "Letter to a French friend," 1609;
[iv] letter from the papal legate Hugh of Die, the March 9, 1078;
[v] In " Patrologia Latina" ( Epistolae, I, 401), Migne editions, CCXIV, 378;
[vi] Canonized as a saint in 1934 by "holy Roman Church;
[vii] Pope John XXIII on the war against France and Great Britain, 1940;
[viii] Communication to the release of 9 July 1933, agreed on between the Vatican and the Third Reich.


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