Patriarch: relations with the Catholic Church today
Patriarch Cyril opened the Bishops' Council February 2, 2011, with a intervention on relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and other Christian denominations.
The Patriarchate of Moscow - said among other things - participating in the work of the Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, which is one of the thorniest issues facing the Orthodox-Catholic relations: the role of the bishop of Rome. "During the meetings, the delegation of the Russian Church on this issue is a firm and coherent to Orthodox thought on the matter. The plenary sessions of the Commission in 2009 in Cyprus and the following year in Vienna, however, have shown that the debate will not be resolved easily or quickly. "
"However, in addition to the issues that divide us, there are many issues on which we have the same line: secularization, the negative aspects of globalization, questions of ethics and moral economy, the crisis of family values and the subversion of traditional moral standards. On these points we have the prospects of cooperation in international organizations like the UN, UNESCO and the OSCE, particularly with regard to discrimination against Christians. "
Patriarch recalled the solidarity of the Russian Orthodox Church with Italian Catholics at the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in November 2009, which banned the display of crucifixes in schools. The Patriarch said: "It 'was a direct attack on the Christian tradition throughout Europe" and said that the support of the Russian government call delivered from Italy to the Strasbourg court against the decision.
"In addition, bilateral relations with the governing bodies of the Roman Catholic Church, we continue to treat the sensitive issue of the Western Ukraine, where between the late eighties and early nineties the greek-Catholics have private the strength of their Orthodox churches, leaving them still with restricted rights. This issue has yet to be resolved and calls for concrete and practical steps on the part of Catholics, "said the Patriarch.
also continues the work of the Joint Committee established in 2004 to analyze the problems of relations in Russia between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. Patriarch Cyril pointed out that the key issues addressed are: who is the missionary activity of the Catholic Church in Russia and the spiritual formation of children baptized in the Orthodox Church, now housed in the Catholic charitable institutions.
The Patriarch said that the need for the advice of the Working Group are translated into life.
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