Saturday, December 11, 2010

How Many Possible Combinations

Orthodox friend

Russia - In memory of Saint Catherine

Moscow, December 7, 2010 - On the feast day of St. Catherine, the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, Metropolitan Hilarion celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the church of Santa Caterina in the field - in Moscow the Orthodox Church in America .
His Eminence was reached by the representative of the Orthodox Church in America, the seat of the Patriarch of Moscow, rector of St. Catherine, Archimandrite Zacchaeus and the clergy of the cathedral, including the vice president of Decr, Archpriest Nikolai Balashov, Archpriest Nikolai Krechetov, Archpriest Oleg Klemyshev, Archpriest Vladimir Volgin, Archpriest Michael Dudich (Polish Orthodox Church ) abbot Irenaeus (Tafunya), the Secretary of Decr Rev. Igor Jakimchuk and other clerics.
The divine service was celebrated in Church Slavonic and English.
At the end of the liturgy, Archimandrite Zacchaeus was warmly welcomed by Metropolitan Hilarion. In prayerful memory of the festivities in the temple, the abbot of St. Catherine has presented a gift to the Metropolitan's liturgical garments.
was read a message of congratulations to the Metropolitan of all America and Canada, Jonah, on the feast of the Orthodox Church of America in Moscow.
In response, the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, addressed to the abbot of the temple, the clergy and the faithful gathered the feast, the blessing of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kyrill.
Metropolitan Hilarion said that a few days ago, residents of Moscow were able, together with the Primate of the Russian Church to pray before the relics of St. Catherine, which was brought to Russia from the sacred Mount Sinai.
"In this temple, dedicated to St. Catherine, we feel a special power of his presence - said Metropolitan Hilarion. - Shining examples of holiness, whose wisdom, as we heard in prayer today, has passed 50 of the most learned rhetoricians of the empire, was not afraid to suffer, but he sacrificed his life for Christ, Santa Caterina is for each of us guiding light on the road that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven. "
Metropolitan Hilarion said he was particularly associated with the Church of Catherine the camp, where he played six years of priestly ministry." I remember when this church began to recover from ruins, and I'm happy to see his greatness today thanks to your work and the work of all those working for its revival - said Metropolitan Hilarion referring all'archimandrita Zacchaeus. - Much has been done, but much more needs to be done. The rebirth of the Church is a tough job that requires many years and considerable investment, and hope that this work is successfully completed for the glory of the Lord. "Then, the Metropolitan Hilarion addressed his homily to the faithful: "In today's Gospel we heard the words that the Lord Jesus gives his disciples, and through them to the Christians of all times and all peoples. If you listen closely to what Jesus Christ says, his words may seem strange. Usually when someone wants to attract disciples or followers, tries to tell them something good to promise something good, such as happens with seven. Unfortunately, many people succumb to the bait and become victims of sects and false teachers.
The Lord Jesus Christ tells his disciples something else. He speaks of the persecution of Christians: "You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers, relatives and friends, and put to death some of you will be hated by all because of my name "(cf. Lk 21, 16-17). Why do the disciples of the Lord shall hear these words? Why did Christ, being God, knows human nature, sin, He knows that if this earthly life of man becomes the way of virtue in fulfilling the commandments of God, then this path is never easy - it will be difficult and spinosa. Therefore, the Savior said to his disciples: "Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it because strait is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and few there be that find it "(Mt 7, 13-14).
no coincidence that the Holy Fathers say if you've done good work, wait, and you'll see that you will be attacked. Why is it organized our sinful world. People can not look without envy a good person, and a significant part of our effort is to deal with the evil people who destroy their machinations and their jealousy of the good works. I mean, you have to overcome obstacles that are completely useless and there is not clear why.
When we do a good deed, we will follow the gratitude, joy - but the opposite often happens. We try to help someone. And so The Lord warns us that someone who wants in this world of sin and the fallen, to live by the law of God's truth, will always meet the misunderstanding, mistrust, envy, and by other obstacles. We have to live without ever losing hope, knowing that for every good deed God will reward us - if not in this life, in the other: "Who wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save "(Lk 9:24). Various obstacles and opposition from the people around us - family, friends, colleagues - we have to accept with humility, knowing that the trail is tricky if you want to keep the commandments of God and do good.
And we venerate the martyrs - not only in ancient times, but also of our age - because they have suffered? All of them were guilty because they believed in God, they wanted to live the Gospel. They did nothing wrong, but have been accused of terrible crimes. In ancient times, Christians were tortured and executed for having witnessed to Christ, and during the persecutions of the twentieth century have been sentenced to death on false charges - for example, for conspiracy against the government or the assassination of a human life without test.
Thousands and millions of Christians have suffered fierce persecution of the Church. This series of confessors and martyrs are now before the throne of God, shining in the sky, as lights and illuminate our lives.
are examples to be imitated, never a man, a believer in Christ, he must be a hypocrite, must never go against their conscience and act according to the laws of this sinful world, he will never be part of the intrigues against someone. A Christian must always try to live by the truth of God
Help us God to be true Christians in the life imitating the example of the martyrs and confessors of Christ. God help us to be honest and sincere to people, to realize the justice of God and His commandments. We believe that, in the words of the Lord, God is with us ".
His Eminence has warmly congratulated all participants on the day the feast of St. Catherine. In memory of the divine service, Metropolitan Hilarion gave the temple the image of the Blessed Virgin of the Sign, written by a priest of the Church of the Mother of God "Joy of all who suffer," the proto-deacon Alexis Trunin.

(Source: DECR Communication Service;


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