Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Brazilian Waxing In Mississauga

Maqi From the site of his friend Franco .

\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Today more than ever Book of the abused of all kinds, in a Christian or not, subject to multiple interpretations or indiscriminate update, travalicanti now and ridicule and even blasphemous. In a particularly difficult time for the greek Orthodox people, following some years of incomprehensible change for a company that (at least at home) has certainly tried to live and read about it in Christian perspective (not yet fully aware of the crazy-held anti-Christian secularist of much of the rest of Europe), Archbishop of Australia Stylianos Harkianakis, delivered his valuable intervention in an attempt to clarify theological and pastoral on what is the Church's teaching on not only the events but at what should be the normal interpretation of the Christian in every walk of life.
wave of fear and panic among our people came, both in Greece and abroad over the past two years regarding the number 666, the sign with which the Apocalypse of St. John characterizes the "beast" that is the Antichrist. Seeing the agony of ordinary people, about everything that has been said and written about it, it is terribly sad and we wonder what could be done to offer them comfort and peace. Surely the nightmares that beset our people are not few - including the economic crisis of recent years, the risk of cancer or AIDS, political instability, the impending war with Turkey and many other ills - and it is not necessary for the "church" to add another nightmare.
We are pleased to publish a long article in this issue (drawn) from the Monastery of Stavronikita in an attempt to provide lighting with special interest in every single question with respect to this "debate risky" . By completing this somewhat theological text of Mount Athos, we will present here some thoughts, in order to remind our faithful but saving a few simple truths.
a) We must have great care not only literally but awe and fear of God, when we interpret a passage of Scripture, particularly the book of Revelation, the prophetic text that is more difficult and is expressed in a language, particularly symbolic. Do not forget that the Church Fathers, in their attempt to approach the word of God from every possible point of view, many interpretations have often given the same step. Also, do not forget that the Fathers with great humility Theophorus have consulted with the best of them concerning the interpretation of difficult passages of Sacred Scripture, in order to avoid the danger of falling into error in matters of faith. Finally, if not found a satisfactory answer from personal explanations of the Fathers Theophorus, the only and absolute criterion was always the voice of the Church, which is expressed through the mouth of an individual, but with the official verdict of the Council. Since then, our Church has not ruled, by a council official, in any proceedings against any concrete action of a modern nation (monetary character, identity cards, etc.), let alone the number 666, can not have any magic power at all, at least for those who believe and honor "rational worship" of the living God.
b) The message that Jesus Christ brought into the world is called, as is known, "New Testament" and "gospel." Both of these names express several characteristics, the final guarantee and joy that the faithful feel at the death of Death and the abolition of sin, both "resolved" once and for all by the Lord. This assurance and joy of the faithful are not compatible with the panic and fear of 666, which shows an understanding of mechanics and magic of God's world, rather than freedom of the spirit, "by which Christ has set us free" (Gal 5 , 1). In such an atmosphere of fear and panic, the words of Saint John Chrysostom pronounced doxological guarantee the prince of darkness, after the resurrection of Christ is a caricature: "Where, O Hades, thy victory? Where, O Death, thy sting? ". Thus, the main fear of the faithful should not be the presence of the Antichrist in the world - that is everywhere and always on, but that is at once abolished, where Christ is confessed - but the fall from true faith and sanctifying grace God insured by the mysteries of the Church.
c) Even if the Second Coming of the Lord will appear as "a thief in the night" and finally transform the world, but we Christians know that, after the Ascension of Christ and the coming of the Paraclete as of now we live in the age of ' eschaton. " This means that every minute of our time can be of decisive importance for our salvation or our damnation. At least that is how to interpret the eschatological message of the Apostles, particularly St. Paul, who has shown the daily life of a Christian as the "time" and as "the day of salvation" (2 Cor 6, 2 ). Remember that it is was during this life that St. Paul said that "the Lord is near" (Phil 4:5).
d) The fact that the "Second Coming" of the Lord will be the big "surprise" as "about that day and hour no one knows" ( Mt 24.86), does not mean that the permanent presence of the Lord in our daily life is in no way questioned. The difference between the two forms of presence is not "time", as if there ever was a time without the Lord's final, Which is present everywhere and fills all creation. " The difference is purely "qualitative", which means that the constant presence of the Lord in the world before the Second Coming is the presence of the Paraclete, which is strengthening and consolation, while the operation of the Second Coming and the Last Judgement and the transformation.
e) Given that any curious "embroidery" recently circulated unofficially but widely in Greece (spread) through advertising, when placed on a curved glass has really the form of Satan with horns, tail, wings, etc., we must explicitly declare the following: If indeed the new identity cards that are about to be released in Greece are in any way connected with such emblems demonological as described the Church must fight openly challenge and call the faithful to reject such identity cards. This should be done, of course, not out of fear of demonic influence, but for holy indignation at this blasphemy. Again, if this is not true, the Church should condemn all those who through much demagoguery and profane "jugglers" disturb the peace of the people and also speak against the nation.
As for the so-called "unified code number, which is said to be used in Greece for a more systematic and rapid registration of citizens, we should say that there is nothing against it from a purely theological and spiritual. Since, however, this system treats people like numbers and openly invade the freedom and responsibility of the citizen, the problem that is created is not just constitutional and political but also moral and extremely theological, in which case the Church must once again its position clear, in order to protect the sacred and inviolable human person. . >>

[i] newspaper article of October 27th 2010 by Vittorio Da Rold, against Orthodox the new identity cards: draw the Antichrist with the number 666 taken from the website: "The Sun 24Ore.com " ;
[ii] Part Article taken from the website: http://lapocalisse.wordpress.com;
[iii] part of the article in the website: www . mednat.org ;
[iv] part of the article taken from the website: http://lapocalisse.wordpress.com;
[v] Christ and Antichrist article by Archbishop Stylianos from the site Internet: www.tradizionecristiana ( Translated by Christian Tradition by EM October 2009).
Introducing Home-page in the first part of the fantastic short story "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man" written in 1877 by the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky it and published the diary of a writer (April 1877) we are dedicated to those who are "sick" of nostalgia for the lost paradise. The rest of the story you can read in the document (in PDF ) in the LINKS ARTICLES with the title NOSTALGIA - The Dream of a Ridiculous Man


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