refund all
Dear friends I have (indirectly and unintentionally!) Created problems and inconvenience to many of you, and are here to bear all the consequences.
And I want to do, as always, in public, because I have absolutely nothing to hide.
The bank statements confirm that all the figures paid for your play has been assigned to your played without a single penny has been hijacked in my pockets (and the same goes, to tell the truth, even Message to Green: although I have a grudge towards this society that has destroyed my image, I could see the proper use of embedded figures). All deficits are due - to documentation - incomplete coverage of the many systems, often very expensive, and not to misappropriation.
I assume, therefore, all the blame on an obviously inadequate supervision on the management of money, but I am not a crook On the contrary, I can prove to have been three times in a "fool" which for 5 years now has assumed responsibility for ensuring that legal and has personally ruined by trying to satisfy all and to safeguard its image, which had been successful and without blemish.
I opened this website because I wanted to offer you the opportunity to insult me \u200b\u200b( comments once again be accessible to anyone and I will not delete any , except that it contains obscenities or advertising of other sites that I can not verify the seriousness) of "honor", or maybe sue - as some have promised - to kill me.
Even I myself invite you to complain to (although for most of the initiatives my role was simply unaware of the testimonial) or to report the matter to "Striscia la Notizia" and the like: it might be the best way to formalize my total strangeness to any unlawful behavior or just plain incorrect (although, to my knowledge, have not been implemented misconduct but a bad management initiatives).
However I do not run away and hide myself: if I could not (and I can not) answer your e-mail is only a matter of physical impossibility. Now you can vent your anger here and I will not give answers other than those contained in this post.
That said, I confirm my willingness to take personal also the debt of Green messages (which I estimate at about € 50,000) for not yet paid in winnings and / or shares not yet (or only partially) used.
To do this I need to have some 'time and, above all, work hard (to avoid like the plague activities concerning the organization of games).
But I intend to regularly update this site on the development of operations in order to keep you informed on the timing and terms of repayment (which, of course, also include the interests of law).
More than that I can do and I'm mortified. I do not want anyone to commiserate with me (after all I think it's better to be envied - and I've been, and how! - That compatible) but only peace of mind about my conduct and my intentions until a few years ago I was a taxpayer (fool?) which declared the state millions of euros (and, before that, billions of lire) and did charity (not advertised!) in around the world, was the center of a happy family and was a highly respected professional who appeared constantly on television and it was all for an absolute guarantee of seriousness.
Today I am a broken man, who lost his beloved companion of the early life (and with it the unity of his wonderful family), which had to be - without being able to file a complaint: so does the law! - Extortion, blackmail, threats and a "singular" failure constructed of two companies with years of sacrifices, which has $ 100 in his pocket to help his children and so on ... but that does not ask for pity to anyone and just want to fight until the end to show that he never lost the honesty, dignity and fairness of the past.
I've already heard someone thought that I am using this story instrumentally, to move the creditors. Who would think this hope, heart, continue to judge it without ever having to experience the sequence of the tragedies that have engulfed my life.
As you can see I pull back and not send confidential communications: consciously chose to use the same blog on which I promoted (in good faith) the various initiatives to publicly communicate my position .
Besides, I am not ashamed of being defeated by the misfortunes I could not avoid and I would just get out as soon as this incresciosissima each other head on, now as always in my long career.
Except that it should not die before do not worry: all refund ( have the courage to even say this in the forum on which to continue to infamy). They say that time is a gentleman: I hope so, anyway, as you see, I contribute myself, personally to my (hopefully temporary) "honor".
This is not an Affected: However things go I will dedicate the organization to ever play corporate journalistic activities, but only thanks to which I will try to put together as quickly as possible to repay all the money.
The fact that I can not absolutely prove that a crook or a crook does not exempt me from what I perceive as a heavy moral responsibility, which I assume all the consequences in the most clear and tangible that I have at my disposal .
repeat: refund everyone, even those (almost all) from which I have never collected a penny , and never do anything for fear of the consequences but only for a deep moral correctness that no disaster has managed to erode.
thank those who will give me time to do it ... and even those who prefer to continue to curse me!
Vincenzo Carchidi
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