Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How To Attain Fake Abortion Papers

Carchidi. Scam? But if you please, please!

Open letter to creditors true, the defamatory concerned and especially to those who really want to know how and when will be refunded


recently been active on the web media persecution against the undersigned. Be noted that many of slanderers who are dedicated to this infamous game are not even part of the "alleged victims" , and that the "alleged victims" were repeatedly informed, albeit in a "collective" (since I did not have the material possibility - or force - to respond individually stuffed with thousands of emails often request personal insults or otherwise) of reality. So how were they made aware of my specific desire that I will pay not only the amounts that I've managed (albeit non-profit), but also of those entrusted to the company's green message, which are neither member or administrator, but only testimonial advertising. Anyway, as I understand it, even the company's green message has not been guilty of any fraud.
In summary, the speech is this: they have been put together with contributions from various participants, the amounts allocated to play of major systems for the Super Enalotto, betting, football pools and more. Bets were laid undertaken regularly, but because very often do not reach 100% of the units sold at the end there was a deficit and the game was stopped earlier than expected. Point! There was no fraud and no appropriation of other people's money , especially since it was his intention to immediately place, however, compensate those who suffered damage as a result of this situation.
those circumstances I therefore, the right and duty to defend the slander that I have been assigned, often intentionally ( some even asked me for money - anonymously of course - to stop of infamy), and then in the meantime I would like to point out the following:
1) I am Vincenzo Carchidi, dress Serra San Bruno (VV), via Salvemini 2. My address has always been public, as well as my mobile phone number (334-3478059). I look all tall and are known as a correct and fair. I'm not run off with the "booty" (also because there is no loot), and are always here, ready to face any consequences that may arise from the unfortunate situation that has arisen to create. Strange behavior for a "crook"!

2) I am the same person who in the last 15 years has distributed payouts equivalent to more than 10 Million Euro and, in particular, in 1997-98 had on your personal account to 7 billion and 200 million lire (won at Totogol), all paid regularly - in record time - to its rightful owners . Strange also here that the same person who took advantage of a convenient opportunity to take possession of amounts that may be worth losing your head then go to "cheat" in the most stupid, little tens of thousands of euro (this is the entire deficit amount)!

3) I am the same man who for 20 years was editor and publisher of the weekly "the coupon" , the biggest publishing phenomenon of the '90s, who for 15 years has participated in the process Biscardi and to many other television programs on major networks national, public and private billionaires who declared income (in pounds) or millionaires (in €) and distributed to charity - and without any fanfare - literally mind-boggling figures; and, especially, has always collected unanimous certificates of professional respect and staff, while keeping un'affezionatissima customers still composed of more than 30,000 people throughout Italy . How can anyone believe that I could have chosen to "honor" to take possession of the coins of this precious heritage of users, fans and friends?

4) I have no reason to be ashamed if after serious disasters family I decided to stop working, enabling those same vultures who for years had failed to "give me the party" to take possession of everything I had built, I have no reason to feel ashamed if in a desperate and futile attempt to save a predictable failure I lost all company assets and I am personally indebted to the neck, I have no reason to be ashamed, finally, if I find myself having to live miserably working 24 hours a day for pay my debts and now, even those messages Verde, of which no are not liable if (forse!) morally. And all this I have already amply stated on numerous occasions, taking all efforts in this respect (unfortunately unable to give specific dates because it was devoid of any economic reserves and no possibility of access to credit, but this does not depend on me).

5) Not a single cent of the amount paid by the participants was intended for purposes other than those provided , namely the validation of systems. The causes of the deficit (which is relatively small) reside solely in the fact that some of the shares of these systems has often remained unsold, and then at some point had been distorted by the resources necessary for the smooth continuation of the game and / or complete the clearance of small wins that still remained outstanding. But no - I repeat: none! - Has stolen a single cent to the kitty, and to verify this evidence enough to make a list of bank transactions : all the outputs converge on the current accounts of receivers who have made the play, and the ticket validated are still kept by myself. Where is the fraud?

6) To date (June 1, 2010) have not received no report from the Guardia di Finanza, or the Judicial , nor been called (perhaps happen!) From "Striscia la Notizia "or" Mi manda Rai 3 "as threatened by many, but I voluntarily issued a detailed interview to" Radio 24 " . If there is bad faith in this whole affair, so there is certainly on my part. Certainly I can understand that those who claim the credit could easily grow if you have bad thoughts to do with unreliable or unknown partners; understand a bit 'less if these bad thoughts come instead from customers / friends who know me for 30 years so they know who I am and how I act in any case I think before you write things on the web should reflect at length, even in their own interest I want to reiterate that fact almost the entire debt will be covered by messages Verde Srl and that I've chosen to do with load for pure excess of correctness (and - I confess - for reasons of image) and I do not think being willing to do the "beau geste" even with respect to whom I have unjustly vilified.

7) About slanderers, I find it strange that many people (some of which - I repeat - even unrelated to the issue) are so hard to insult me \u200b\u200bbusy on the web, often for an alleged loan of € 7 , while none of the many customer-friends who have always been properly cleared and still deliver in the years we have seen figures well beyond spoke with contrary evidence. Not only that some of those who today are complaining about the delays in the settlement of € 7 (or so) have already forgotten the payoffs with many zeros in on time had already benefited . Evidently there is no place for malice but not for gratitude ... especially by moralists!


I think there are basically two different types of creditors: those who are interested in recovering the figures actually due to them (and never denied), and those who choose to vent their grievances - or more less justified - spreading slander to the right and left. Of the latter category of people I will not at all: if you really think have been "cheated" to proceed to take legal well as I do not believe that someone has committed illegal and, in addition, I think a 'possible which will be followed by a likely lawsuit in his favor could be the best and definitive proof of the facts . For my part I will assess in each case where there are extremes to replicate with my action for defamation or, possibly, for libel, and then pay (or I will pay for) the figures may be laid down by the court, except, of course of those (almost all) who are not, however, my responsibility.

With regard instead to the actual creditors, who claim the right to pay the amounts owed to them I now invite them to :

1) Send request for award , detailed in every detail, possibly with copies of receipts for payments directly to vincenzo.carchidi @ (from Wednesday, June 2, 2010 the box has been reactivated: previous communications are not to be considered);

2) Refrain from subsequent reminders : given the expected workload is not always possible to follow up fast, especially in case of inadequate or incomplete documentation;
3) Wait response, which will be established - subject to mutual confirmation - the exact amount of credit (including interest of law), how and when the liquidation ;

finally take this opportunity to emphasize that the consequences of stigma has been under my personal and professional image have very serious effects on my business, resulting in a sharp slowdown in economic reconstruction of that work that is necessary to face the unpleasant emergency and a concomitant delay in time to pay off every slope.

In this I believe that a more peaceful and truthful happened and a necessary correction of falsehoods published so far may represent a clear advantage for all. The rest will prove the facts ...

Thank you for your attention

Vincenzo Carchidi

Dehydration Parotid Glands